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Know Your CBD Facts

If you do not know your CBD facts it is time to get educated.
The most important thing you can do before you purchase and start using CBD on a daily basis is do your research.
- Know what CBD is.
- Know what CBD you are buying.
- Know how to take CBD oils to maximize your results without wasting.
Education is key. So let’s get started
What is CBD?
CBD stands for cannabidiol. Cannabidiol is Latin for cannabis or hemp. It is one of over 100+ cannabinoids found in the Cannabis sativa plant. Cannabinoids are just the natural chemical constituents of cannabis and hemp. Each cannabinoid has unique properties. CBD oil is used the most when it comes to either preventing or treating a wide variety of health conditions.CBD is one of the most commonly known and widely researched cannabinoids there is.
Will CBD get you High?
HEMP CBD will not get you “high.” That’s the marijuana plant. 2 plants, one species, being cannabis. Hemp is safe and federally legal.
It is a fact that CBD offers no high whatsoever. There is no psychoactive component to taking CBD. As a matter of fact, CBD is said to counteract the effects of THC. What does this mean? This means users can get a dose of the healthy therapeutic benefits they want from marijuana, but without the side effect of getting stoned.
Is CBD dangerous?
Cannabis use, even in large acute doses, has resulted in zero deaths. No signs of toxicity or side effects have been found the occur when taking CBD. It is not a gateway drug. It is a daily superfood supplement that us used to assist our mind sand and bodies find homeostasis or balance.
What is the Endocannabinoid System?
All mammals have what’s called an endocannabinoid system. It is the system in our bodies that promote homeostasis. Humans have 2 natural cannabinoids working to keep out bodies and minds balanced. We are deficient in cannabinoids, which are necessary for our bodies to function correctly. Taking CBD as a daily supplement is a safe way to reverse the deficiency our bodies are experiencing.
How you find quality CBD?
The best way to know you are getting quality CBD oils and CBD products that are pure and true is to go with a company that third party tests it products for toxins, mold, mildew, and potency. The US Hemp Round Table has recently given the Hemp Seal of Approval to 13 CBD companies and hemp farms. Make sure your CBD is on the list.
Both HempWorx and the farm that grows and processes all their hemp and CBD, GenCanna, are 2 of the 13 outstanding companies that met the stringent standards the industry laid out for quality assurance and safety.
Visit HempWorx to learn more about some of the purest CBD on the market.
How do you take CBD?
There are different ways to consume CBD. The best and most effective way to take CBD is sublingually.
When starting CBD it is important to take 2-3 drops a day and slowly introduce it into your body. Everyday add a additional drop until you are taking between 10- 15 mgs. Stay at that dose for a week and take note of any changes. You might need to increase your dose depending on how it is working in your system. A good indication that you are taking too much CBD is a feeling of exhaustion during the day. When taking CBD in the dose that is right for you, you should have sustainable energy throughout the day.
The Cannabis industry is booming
The cannabis market is expected, by Forbes, to grow over 700% by 2020!
With such exponential growth you need to, now more than ever, know where your hemp is coming from.
Now is the time to join the help movement and spread the awareness of the power of the plant. There is not easier way then to join the HempWorx team and break the stigma that is so often attached to cannabis. Learn more about how you can become a hemp advocate and help be the change so many are looking for.
Reach out if I can help in any way! Knowing is half the battle, and you deserve to know! Join my Facebook group, Living Your Healthiest Life with CBD Oils.
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FDA Disclaimer:
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. MyDailyChoice, Inc. assumes no responsibility for the improper use of and self-diagnosis and/or treatment using these products. Our products should not be confused with prescription medicine and they should not be used as a substitute for medically supervised therapy. If you suspect you suffer from clinical deficiencies, consult a licensed, qualified medical doctor. You must be at least 18 years old to visit our website and make product purchases. We do not make any health claims about our products at MyDailyChoice. Before taking our products, it’s wise to check with your physician or medical doctor. It is especially important for people who are: pregnant, chronically ill, elderly, under 18, taking prescription or over the counter medicines. None of the information on our website is intended to be an enticement to purchase and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. The use of any of our products for any reason, other than to increase general health & wellness, is neither, implied nor advocated by MyDailyChoice, Inc.