Grab your Roasted Beef and Au Jus Sauce…
Homemade Mozzarella Cheese

Lilly Den Farm Mozzarella Cheese
Stainless steel pot
Stainless steel serving spoon
Citric Acid
Liquid rennet
1 1/2 level Tsp. citric acid dissolved in 1/2 cup cool distilled water
1 gal Whole milk
1/4 Tsp. liquid rennet (or 1/4 rennet tablet) diluted in 1/4 cup cool distilled water
1 Tsp. cheese salt (optional)
- Dissolve citric acid in water and add to cold milk. Mix thoroughly (15 seconds).
- Heat the milk to 90°F (over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally). Remove the pot from heat and gently stir in the diluted rennet with an up-and-down motion for 30 seconds. Cover the pot and leave undisturbed for five minutes.
- Check the curd. It should look like custard, with a clear separation between the curd and whey (if the curd is too soft or the whey is too milky, let it set for a few more minutes). Cut the curd with a knife that reaches all the way to the bottom of your pot.
- Place the pot back on the stove and heat the curds to 105°F, gently moving the curds around with your spoon.
- Scoop out the curds with a slotted spoon or drain whey out with a colander. Press the curds gently with your hands, pouring off as much whey as possible. Reserve the whey (you can use the whey for other recipes).
- Grab a chunk of crumbs and put it on a flat plate, preferably with raised sides. Sprinkle with a teaspoon of cheese salt and crumble some more.
- Microwave until curd reaches 135⁰ or begins to melt.
- Wearing gloves, stretch the cheese and form onto a ball.
- Place in ice cold water just long enough to get another ball of cheese salted and put into the microwave.
- Wrap cheese in plastic wrap tightly to keep the ball shape.
- Enjoy the cheese warm, cold, shredded on pizza, in a salad, or however you find it best to enjoy!!