We can help you get ready for the…
Wings, Pork, and Beef for Super Bowl Snacks at the Carolina Brewery Today

Get all your super bowl snack meats from Lilly Den today at the Carolina Brewery from 10:00 – 1:00.
We will have WINGS, boneless breast for chicken cutlets, ribs (beef and pork), ground beef and pork for sliders or chili, whole chickens for beer butt chicken, pork butts for pulled pork and so much more. Our coolers will be FULL tomorrow.
Of you need recipe idea email or call (919) 256-3150 and I will love to share my quick easy tips if you are hosting a super bowl party or just need a dish to pass. As a mom of , all my ideas are quick and easy, kid tested and approved by everyone. 🙂
A couple quick reminders
We are at Angelina’s Kitchen every Thursday from 3:30 – 6:00 with Tom from Silk Hope Organics and other local farmers and bakers.
We offer half and quarter cows, pigs, lamb and goat. Call Tucker (919) 356-5330 or email and I will send you all the details!
Have a a fun Super Bowl Sunday and stay warm!