February 24, 2023 at Lilly Den Farm Call…
Give a Goat a Christmas Tree + Big Chicken Sale!

Not sure what to do with your Christmas tree?
Bring it out to Lilly Den Farm. Goats love Christmas trees!
January 10, 2021 from 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Our way of saying thank you is to offer 21% off ALL CHICKEN. This includes chicken bundles. Bundles must be pre-ordered.
Don’t want to wait until January 10th to get rid of your Christmas tree?
No problem. Call or text Mackenzie at 919-356-3150 to set up a day to come to the farm. Don’t forget to order some chicken because we will honor the sale if you bring your tree early!
Chicken sale while supplies last. Preorders are helpful but not necessary.